Thursday, March 8, 2007

about us


Hi i'm Friso Visser.
I come from Holland
and i have 1 brother he is 15 years old.
I'm 13 years old and I like sailing.
My family.

my parents are divorced and I have one brother his name is Arjen.
I have a dog called Lara.
Both my parents have a new partner my mothers boyfriend called Peter.
And my fathers girlfriend called Linda.

Hi i'm Nawid Bakhsi.
I come from iran.
I live in Zwolle and i'm 14 years old.
I have 3 brothers 24,27,31.
My hobbies are playing on the computer, playing football and watching tv

Hi I am Giaro Giarratana.
I am half Italian and half Dutch.
I am 14 years old.
I live in Ommen.
have 2 sisters one is 11 and the other one almost 17.
My hobbies are soccer, msn, going out in the weekends and having fun with friends.

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